'An everyday object, selected and designated as art' (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
The term ready made was originally coined by French Artist Marcel Duchamp. Duchamp created the first ready made 'Bicycle Wheel' in 1913. Through his ready made works, Duchamp attempted to destroy the notion of the uniqueness of art and subsequently a new controversial definition of art emerged, that had more of an intellectual as opposed to material focus.
How this has influenced my practical development and project concept
I have been influenced by the theory of the ready made, in that it has made me consider not just using found materials to draw from and take casts from, to produce work, but how they can also be used as part of the outcome intrinsically. Considering this I have revisited the proposed mapped rout within my proposal, being mindful of the everyday sights that are often overlooked. I particularly noticed the street signs and how they they have become so familiar to me that I no longer read the words and letters, yet am still aware solely by the context what the sign means. With this, I have decided to move away from the casts and relief moulds that I have been working with, but returned to the patterns and textures from the environment, thinking about how I can incorporate these with found objects from the environment.
Developed Idea
This is a piece of work that I have developed, working from my drawings which I have used to create my drypoint plates, that focus on the textures and patterns found within the urban environment. I think that the text adds a three dimensional perspective to the overall image, drawing the viewer in by the familiar lettering and format that they recognise. The viewer becomes more focused on the familiar object as the purpose has been changed, giving it a fine art context, in the same way that they ready made forces the viewer to analyse an object by changing its context and putting it into a gallery.