Friday, 15 November 2013

Silicone Relief Construction

After researching Jorge Otero Pailos, and his works with latex, I have decided to experiment with more industrious materials.

After much consideration and experimentation, I think that Silicone will be an appropriate material to create impressions/ reliefs of a surface. In theory the silicone should take the mould of a surface, whilst at the same time be able to dry solid, whilst mainintaining a flexible, rubberlike posture. I am hoping that this will mean that the mould can then be used to develop a series of relief prints. 

To make the silicone mould, I covered the chosen surface with concentrated washing up detergent to work as a lubricant to stop the silicone from sticking to the surface. 

Silicone was then squirted and pressed firmly onto the surface to ensure that the silicone was pressed into all of the cracks and markings of the surface. I then left it to dry for a few hours before removing .  
Silicone pressed and left to dry

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