Thursday, 3 October 2013

Printing of Collograph Plate- Blind Emboss and Relief Print

I began with a 'Blind Emboss' of the collograoh plate, as I thought that it would remove any preconceived contextualisations, as there would be no link to colour, or place. The emboss focused only on highlighting texture as it created a silhouette of each component of the plate. Its subtle lines and tones that are sunken into the fibbers of the paper making the viewer search deep into the image in order to decipher its abstracted forms. 

Blind Emboss Collograph Plate 

To develop this further, a relief print was taken from the collograph plate. The ink drew focus to even more textures within the plate, capturing the subtle lines and marks imprinted onto the cardboard. However, from here I would now like to develop the concept of capturing these hidden subtleties through a more refined print method. I intend to use my photographs from my visit to Dover to draw into a aluminium drypoint plate. 

Collograph Plate

Relief Print of Collograph Plate

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