Friday, 4 October 2013

Regeneration of Dover

It is important to highlight the reasons for choosing Dover as the location for my investigation throughout this project. Firstly, it is a town that has great historical importance to the country, in addition to being a place that I have a strong personal connection to, as it is a town that I have visited daily since secondary school. Dover gives a tired and worn first impression when observed from a surface glance. 

However, there are many new regeneration plans for Dover, which include a redevelopment of the social, residential, retail, communication, and transportation facilities. It will take many years for this entire redevelopment to take place, so through my artwork it is aimed that the community begin to appreciate the town for it's already present beauty, reinstating a sense of pride and respect that has been lost within the population. This project will explore this beauty from macro level observations of surface and texture, making the invisible, visible. 

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